You show the world that you can do it. That you have what it takes. That you're giving all of you. But your efforts end in rejection, that they tell you that your efforts are not good enough. Even as a youth your parents say you're not going to amount to anything. This negative in your life becomes an obstacle to your journey This is part of reality, life can be cruel and cold. You ask yourself, what am I doing wrong? If you get criticism, is it constructive or is it opinions that paint a picture that is not forgiving. Your life will always have ups and downs. But you don't have to take it. Many accept the opinions of others and call it a day, call it a career. This is where you have to decide if you're going to quit or are you going to do something about it. You choose to pursue your dream through thick and thin. So, don't take the negative and retreat to the corner. If they won't let you in the front door, find another door. Create a new path, change the rules by taking what they say is not good enough and do your own thing. If you believe in yourself and your abilities, be that trailblazer, prove them wrong. Keep pushing yourself, just push yourself in a more favorable direction. It's always easy for others to stand in judgment. You have to do what you do, by creating your own way. Build your own door to walk through. Ride in with the confidence to change, not to change them, but to change the world. Just don't give up on yourself. You've heard the saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink". It's not for you to lead them to drink, it's that you have to convince them that they're thirsty. Your style is your style, your way is your way, that that is not how it's done. Be contrary, be different, be you. Show them that it may not be done the way it has always been done and you are here to show them the new and improved way. You will stand out and those that see and hear you will start to realize that they finally see what you see, hear what you hear. After all opinions are like butt holes, every body got one. So keep it moving and continue toward that light that you call your dream. Everybody won't get it at first, but that's okay. Your job is to reveal your dream to them because you believe in it. Be you , be authentic, people don't want fakes they want the real thing and your dream is the real. Remember when hip hop first was introduced, Noone wanted to have anything to do with it. But those that believed in it kept putting it out there. Years ago, during the slave days the slave owners through out the pigs ribs out the back door, as discarded meat. Now everyone with a barbecue grill is eating BBQ ribs during the holidays. So don't let rejection be the final word to you. Push ahead and let them that reject you catch up to you.

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