You wonder why I am discussing the subject of learning about memory improvement techniques of mnemonics and speed reading techniques to help you in your journey to your dreams. The reason is to show you that there are techniques that we need, to assist our abilities to learn. To learn about life, to learn about ourselves and to help us to go directly to our dreams.You can do anything you want to if you have tools to enhance what society sometimes teaches us as the way to succeed. You wonder why others are more successful and the answer is they learn about information that others don't have. Wealthy people learn about things that the average person do not get. They get the knowledge and the tools to help them succeed. Everyone may not be naturally smart, but there are tools to bridge the gap. If someone has the secret to succeed and you weren't in on the secret. You believe that you are not smart or you will never succeed. But, if you were given the secret sauce to success, life would be so easy. For example, you've heard the saying, " It's who you know" can get you to where you want to go. Well, that is not exactly correct. The saying should be, "Who knows you." Who knows you is what gets you to where you want to go. If they don't know you, you can't get through the door. Let people know who you are, then it will help you to advance your dreams, cause I know a lot of people, but that does not get me in. Learn how to learn. Don't take for grant the tricks and tips that can help you along the way. They are little gold nuggets that were built upon by others that had made a path for you to travel. Use them to give you an advantage, after all we all need a little help.
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