We talk about pursing our dreams, we write down a plan, we collect the resources, we organize the resources we need, we create a process that will allow us to see it through. Then reality sits in. That there is another component that we as creative artist sometimes forget to put into play. The business and legal component of our craft. We create the screenplay, we write the songs, design the newest, greatest invention and we forget that we must protected it. Our dream, our manuscript lay pray to those that want to take your dream and claim it for their own. Part of our team is to have a lawyer that can advise you and open doors to those that will not meet with you without protecting you and them from legal obstacles that may keep you from trouble.You work hard to reach your dream and fall prey to not understanding how to keep your dream. Pro sports athletes get to a status and don't protect themselves from the sharks. They loose everything not understanding the business side of their profession. After all it is always been a business. Learn the numbers, understand the contracts. Know what you are investing in. You worked too hard in the pursuit of your dream to get at the top of your game. And leave your behind flopping in the wind. Always keep learning, your dream depends on it. Don't rely on those you hire to keep track of what is yours. Keep asking the questions. Your wrote the song, you created the manuscript, all you have needs to be spelled out. You're good at singing, so stay on top of all that effects the song has to your interest. Sometimes a lawyer is need to spell it out.
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