Even as we pursue our dreams, we have leaders and we have those that follow. Everyone that interacts in the leader-follower circumstances must understand how this relationship work. We all are put in situations that require us to understand where and what are our position. A mother or father is the leader of the family. That same mother or father goes off to work and take orders from their boss or employer. To succeed down the path to the dreams we all sought, you have to recognize where you are within the situation at that moment. So you need to know how to develop the traits of one that is a leader, how to organize, how to manage and take charge. For there maybe a time that you, the follower, becomes the leader. A good leader, can also follow, to understand how it is to be a great leader, you must be able to stand in the shoes of those that follow your direction. The journey to success depends on it. Don't shy away from what may become your responsibility. Take charge when you have to, and follow when need to.
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