When taking your dream to the next level. You must make the same steps, that big businesses, that wealthy and smart people understand. That is understand what it means to manage your risk. Risk is what you take in every decision you make. Big businesses, the wealthy understand how much risk you can afford to take. When planning your journey you have to weigh how much risk you are willing to take. Transferring risk is the cost of doing business, to be successful. Understand that life is a gamble. For example, an insurance company, researches the kind of people they insure. They look at the age, the gender amongst other data. Compare the success rate to the failure rate to decide is it worth taking the risk. If you transfer the risk and minimize it your chance for success is much better. You as an individual can do the same as big business, as the wealthy does. Another example, is you go into the casino, the casino has calculated the win-lost on a player versus what game is played. But say you were playing craps and you bet on all the numbers, you know that you can win as long as you don't crap out. So if you only set your throws of the dice to say three time. You may have a higher chance of winning with less throws. So what have you done is risk more money, but raised your chance of winning on the set throws of three times. Again you have to decide what risk in life do you want to take. So do your research to know your risk, so you can make an educated decision. Dreams don't have to be a gamble. Know the game, know your limits and know the cost of the risk you are taking. Learn how to transfer the risk.
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