When you have a chance to get to your dream, how do you keep it? Let's look at using insurance as a way to keep you dream. If you have assets we are accustomed to getting insurance to protect those assets. How about looking at insurance to not only protect your assets but to provide a means to aquire wealth. The new insurance vehicles the insurance companies have, uses ways to create wealth as well as provide protection. Whole life insurance has different ways to have your money work for you. Protect you from tax issues and have a means to allow your weath to be provided to your love ones. Again we are not selling you on any insurance, but thinking differently about insurance and other vehicles to move your money and make it work for you. Let's see what whole life insurance can benefit you and your quest toward your dream. We are not looking for any get rich quick scheme, no ponzi schemes. We want you to see the advantage of using such investment vehicles in your plans toward your dream. So we will dive into insurances, annuities and the use of estate planning.
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