Our mind is a powerful tool. With our mind we can transport ourselves to places that we only hear about, do things that our mind can create.Our mind is able to resolve problems that other conceive. We can dream and imagine a life that is better than what reality provides. But, if it wasn't for those who dream our reality would be limited to just what is before us. So we as visionaries are ridiculed for being daydreamer, sitting around gazing in the stars. Caught up in our own self indulgence. We are singled out for being different, but society needs us, needs you to see beyond what is in front of you. To ignore the world's criticisms and continue to move toward the light. Wear the badge of difference to create what you passionly reach out for. Keep dreaming , keep creating, keep asking the questions, for your dreams keeps us alive, without your dreams our journey stops here. The engineers, doctors, songwriters, teachers, and you that dreams are our future. Never give up on that dream, even when those don't believe.

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