With any dream, a team is needed. Assemble people that are like minded, that provide positive support. Those that gives you advise, inspire and mentor. As I believe, dreams are a team sport. No one can do it all alone. In the support it goes both ways. You help them to progress while they help you. Believe that your dream can solve a problem. That it can be not only the answer for you but, the answer to your community and others. While traveling down this path, empower others so they feel as if they are contributing to the dream you seek. Give them the credit for their contributions. After all your dream is not just your dream. It belongs to everyone that it touches. A songwriter creates a song, he records it with musicians that may add their feeling in the song, the producer hears a special piece that adds to your dream, to your song. Now your dream has bits and pieces of others that helped it to be. Yes, it's your song but others also gives it life. A collective effort. Some believe that God has guided your dream to where others can appreciate it. Whatever you feel about your dream and it's journey. Let other know that your dream gives hope for something better than just existing. We are here for a short time, a blink of an eye. So don't put off the journey thinking you have plenty of time. Opportunity may only knock once in your life. Plan for it, prepare for it, step out of your comfort zone and learn to control your fears. Believe you can do what it is you dream to do. Understand it is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from the fall. Get up dust yourself off an decide to continue on. If they ridicule you, let them. Your focus is your dream. Know that sacrifices maybe required. Realize it may take work, that it maybe hard to obtain from the start. Keep asking yourself do you really want it. Don't be afraid to ask for help. It's there, just ask.
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