When you start the journey toward pursuing your dream. You realize at the beginning, that it takes a village. If you are an introvert, you have to be able to communicate with others., to learn that doing it along will not get you there. First find out what you want and start to doing the things that puts you in a better place than the place your in. If you want to be wealthy, learn what wealthy people do. Find out their habits, model yourself toward the results you want. If your dream is to go to your fantasy place. Ask those that took the travel and how they got there. Your mission is to find a mentor that will share his or her experiences with you so you can see what it takes. Your goal is to be what you are not. See yourself as one that leads, when you have been a follower. the one that is out going, when you are always to yourself. Learn to be uncomfortable within yourself to step out of your own skin and take the steps need to get the results you long for. Start to see yourself as that you are not. We live our lives in roles everyday. We are actors in the movie of life. Let's pretend for a moment that we want to be a well organized business person. Let's go out and find that organized business person to imitate. You can't do it by yourself. We need the village to help us. That support to help you to put it all together. As you imitate, you are learning their habits, you are gaining the confidence that you did not have. You can see yourself as that person. You walk their walk, you talk their talk and become the one that you dreamed to be. Even when you take these steps, you must still keep your identity as you take this journey. You are unique and you different that those you pursue. So don't make the mistake of losing your identity when becoming that person that you are not.Take the good points and enhance you so you can be a better you. After all, you want to be the best in who you are, and what you do so don't follow in the trap of getting lost in your dream and not be mindful of reality.
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