Remember, pursuing your dream starts with you. It grows as you make your journey. It is a team sports. A part of the journey is to empower others as part of the the journey. Make them feel that they have a contribution to your dream. That they have some say, some skin in the game. When you write a song and have a cowrite contribute to the song you started and give credit. While in the recording studio, you as the writer gives the musicians the opportunity to improvise, and adlib. Make the journey their journey. Sometimes it's good to share the decisions with others even as you are the leader of your dream. When you get to a place where you can go no farther, a decision to let the dream go to someone that can advance the cause may be the best decision for the whole. Loosing control doesn’t mean you loose full control. Your dream can be realized with the help and support of others. You reading this post is that. The support of others.
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