Is your dream attainable?

Have you considered if your dream is attainable? We are still working to get our mind right to go on the journey. We've been looking at removing what is hindering us from our journey. Let's start by getting in the habit of being proactive in our life. List 5 things that you keep putting off until later. For example, reading a book. Go get a book and just open it up. Start asking yourself questions about what the book is about. Now look at the first page and read a couple of paragraphs. Close the book and go back to it later to read a couple more pages. 3 to 5 minutes of reading close it and come back to it later. What you have done is tackled the task in small bites. You have progressed in the reading of that book, not letting the task overwhelm you. We are getting in the habit of not procrastinating. The step to being proactive. Do this with any task to just get started. We will learn later how to gain confidence, problem solve, manage our time and our thoughts. All of this will help us get to our dreams

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