Your dreams in life requires sacrifice. Not only investing in you, but investing in others. Take the time to evaluate what you really want, and not always wanting what society say what your dream is for youself. We think getting to the end of something fast makes others think that you are good at what you do. That you are an expert at what you are, just because you are doing it fast. That this is not always the case. Sometime being fast is not always good. Being fast may cause you to make more mistakes. Being slow, some may say, is a negative perception. When Being steady, being consistent and sure of the decisions you are making is how you dictate how you value time. Don't let time dictate your life. Take sure decisive moves, physically and mentally. Make your efforts are direct and to the point. It may look slow to the eye, but each step you take is planned, each step is measured so to not to waste time. So don't sacrifice your efforts for speed, that make others think you know where you are going and what you are doing. Sometimes sacrificing your time for others will create a better path for you to follow as you pursue your dream. Though it may seem slow, but in all actuality it in steady, consistent and direct. Take the sacrifices you make, to be those that count with every step, every motion forward as if it is as important as the effort you put into making others believe you know where you are going or what you are doing. Take every step with the seriousness of the dream you pursue, don't let time be what controls your destiny. Let destiny dictate your time.
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