All that work, the dedication and persistency resulted in you getting your dream. So you made it, now can you keep it. Many have climb the mountain, swim the deepest sea to reach their goals, the dream they have always long for. Very few may have reached the top and can live to talk about it. Some that made the journey think that it is the end of the journey. But, in most cases, it is just the beginning. Did you prepare for the success and the responsibilities that may come from the dream that you had set out to obtain? The news is full of pro sport athletes that has gotten success, money and fame and squander it all, because they weren't prepared to keep their dream. Business crawled from the bottom to the top of their game to be branded the most successful business, an actor/actress received multiple awards, an Oscar to record all their successes made it, but could not handle what comes with success.They get caught up in their own hype. They forget where they come from. They go broke, reckless in their decisions. The answer is to find a special person that is in your corner, that is level headed to tell you that the path your going can take you back down the road you start from. If you are a champion, you need someone to take you to the next level. You were smart and dedicated enough to get there, you need someone to show you not only to keep it, but to show you how to live with your success. A mentor, that is not to take advantage, but to show you a better you. All successful people are not successful. They may be successful in obtaining their dreams, but they have yet to be a successful person. The saying, " You can put lipstick on a fish doesn't change the fact that it is still a fish." If you were a butt hole before you had money, 9 timed out of 10 you're still a butt hole with money, it just that others fail to tell you. A mentor in your life that has no hidden agenda to help you to help yourself to understand what you maybe going through, mental, spiritual and physically. Because some times obtaining your dream is hard to handle if you are not ready to handle it. Yes, it can be devastating. You can loose it all, because you wanted to buy 9 cars, 5 houses and have multiple partners and you were not ready to deal with the responsibilities. We set back and we dream of having what we do not have, then once we get it we go butt wild, we loose our mind, and there is no one to reign you in, to protect us from ourselves. There is no one to protect us from the sharks that are out there to swallow us up. When we first start our pursuit of our dream, we also must have a plan to keep it, a plan to take it to another level. Most champions don't settle, they keep moving it forward. So when you plan, think it through past the dream to what comes after. Try to be ready, you worked too hard to let it all slip away, just because you weren't ready. Your dream started in your mind, let it end in it. Find that happy medium, that peace of mind. That ultimate dream.
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