As you start your journey in the pursuit of your dreams, the realization will be apparent. That your dreams has a connection with someone else's dream. Think about it, as you follow your dream, you meet some one that has been trying to get to the next level of their dream by wishing they had a tool that could help them to continue on their journey, that had the answer to the question that you could not answer. The tool that for what ever reason they could not obtain. By chance you had that tool in your possession. Say, a camera you just had sitting around the special knowledgecyou learned years before. You meet this person that for whatever reason you tell them about your dreams journey and in your discussions you say you know I have something that they may be able to use not knowing that they have been wishing, praying for this certain tool or knowledge. You in your meeting see that they have a connection with the very tool you have in your possession. A camera that has been sitting on my shelf not being used. By chance that camera is what they needed to allow them to continue forward with their dream, the teaching that would fill the gap in their life for so long. You not knowing this is what they have been seeking to continue their journey. But, what is ironic, they had something to give you that you needed to help you carry on with your journey. So the point is, in the pursuit of our dreams, if by chance, or if it was destiny or if the stars lined up, our dreams can be realized through the dreams of others. Sometimes in our pursuit of our dreams the missing pieces of the puzzle lies in the hands of others you've never expected to give you what you gave them. We may have the answer or the key in just the deeds that you show to others or the deeds they show to you. Sometimes dreams are not material, but spiritual, emotional support. By the fact that they helped you, you are helping them in their journey. By sharing your dreams you will be surprised that the very person that you shared your dream with is the one that will get you closer to your dream.
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