Where are you on your journey in the pursuit of your dream? Have you progressed in getting your mind right, to accept your dream. Are you refining yourself to make this travel. Are you practicing the habits you need to be successful in whatever endeavor you are pursuing. Wherever you are please keep moving forward. We have been looking at speed reading and improving our reading skills to gain the confidence to fill that thurst for knowledge. The knowledge that makes up your dream. Don't be deterred in that knowledge. Speeding reading will allow you to take in more info that is needed to help understand your dream. Grab a book, a magazine, an online article and note the columns. Take your index finger and see if by placing your finger on the middle word in the sentence and force yourself to recognize the words on each side of your index finger with out looking at each word in the sentence. By using your peripheral vision you will expand your recognition of the words in the sentence without focusing on every word. Once you feel comfortable in this exercise you are now on your way in reading and taking in the whole sentence as you go down the center of the column. Pretty soon you will not only recognize the one sentence, but as you practrice, with just one fixation you will take in almost a paragraph. You will gain confidence in your new found skill. You now feel that you can do more. That you can take in information that at one time seem so hard to grasp. As you go down the page you will start to read to answer questions that you have about the material you are reading. Now you are reading with purpose. When you were in grade school, or college you were reading because you were told to. You are now taking the material you are reading and making it yours. Practice this to be proficient, practrice to gain confidence, and hopefully become an expert about your dream. Next, by understanding the structure of how writer's write, you will look at a paragraph differently in your reading exercise. You will see that when a writer writes a paragraph you will see the first sentence in the paragraph has a purpose and the sentences after the first sentence is describing and supporting that first sentence. So reading the first sentence, you are looking to see how well the other sentences are describing and supporting that sentence. Putting all this together with the techniques of speed reading you are taking the steps to improve yourself and the chances in embracing that dream of yours. You are taking these tools to improve yourself and work your way to logical pursue your dream. So let's keep moving forward.
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