Once you've tackled the obstacles in the pursuit of your dream, you find yourself only half way there. The other half once you realized your dream, after obtaining finance if needed, to using networking to help you get to the next level, to creating a team to support the journey. You need to be able to learn how to keep and protect it. If it's an asset to an idea that you are trying to protect. Insurance and estate planning is ways to protect your dreams and your assets. The wealthy understand the importance of insurance and estate planning. Let's see the power of both. Insurance can protect you present and your future. It has investment possibilities for you and your family, help you with your taxes. Pass on your wealth to your love ones for the rest of their life. I'm not trying to sell Insurance but make you aware of what it can do. Our next lessons is to try to understand how it can help you. You believe the best savings are savings accounts when the banks use insurance to create wealth and protect it. Have you every heard of FDIC associating to your bank accounts. Start getting the knowledge. You might be surprised. Let's try to find out how Insurance can benefit you both in life and in death.
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