Each day I wake up, I give thanks for the opportunity afforded me, with just the mere thought of knowing that l can make a difference in my life and the lives of others. Sometimes I catch myself in the fact that I had taking for granted the blessings I have gotten and all that comes with them. We strive for big successes and ignore the small ones. Small successes of being able to enjoy the insignificant facts of seeing, hearing and smelling the things around us. In my journey , along the road to my dreams I've have been blessed to meet many people and developed relationships that enhanced my life. When you pursue your dreams it's about relationships. Those you meet can elevate your dream to a level that you could not imagine. Help you to see you from their eyes. Listen to them with an understanding eye, for they have dreams too. Help them, help you to get to your dreams, by sharing your journey with them. Your dream may be you, but it is not always about you. Our dream at first, originated within us, but as we stepped out in search of it, we realized that our dreams maybe the results of someone else's dream. It may be the answer to someone else's question. My dream may have solved someone else's problem. So when you wake up from your sleep or when you are staring out the window from your desk, dreaming of how wonderful it would be to be something else, have something more, or wanting it all. Just remember that others may never have the opportunity to experience even those things we tend to take for granted. Enjoy the journey, enjoy the experiences and appreciation the relationships along the way. Give your dream a chance to grow so others can se what you see. They may not get it at the beginning, just allow them to catchup.
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