Jeffery Dyer December 3, 2022
So, you have a dream you want to pursue? Before we can get start on our journey, we must prepare ourselves for the undertaking that is involved in pursuing our dream. We must have tools in our possession to take the steps that will lead us to our success.
Let us define our dream, what is it, what do we know about this dream that defines it? Look it up, Google it! procrastination Ask questions to those who can give you answers that will fills in the blanks of what make your dream part of you. Learn everything it is about your dream, so you can become an expert on it. We are now developing a relationship with our dream. Now it's time to sharpen our mind to take the journey. To get our mind right so we can understand what keeps us from our journey, such as obstacles. Obstacles like procrastination, not having a plan, not being organized and having the confidence in believing in yourself. We will together eliminate these bad habits and learn skills that will help us to succeed. We will practice concepts to stop our procrastination, learn how to organize our thoughts, make a plan that we can use to facilitate our dream. To take our dream from our mind and make it reality. We will learn to problem solve, break down our task to smaller task that can be obtainable. We will prioritize the steps to create a logical sequence of events that will be the road map we will take to our final goal. We will enlist individuals to be part of our team, because we can't do it alone. So let's get started. Supporting the Dream organization is here to give you a hand and support your efforts that will be life's skill to be used in your everyday endeavors.
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