Now that you've decided to pursue your dream, you I hope has planned out, prioritize it, make time for it and implement it. Once we have made adjustments that may be needed we now must cultivate and network with those that can help you along the way. If you need finances, you need to look to those that can help you financially. But, before you do you have to have a plan that you can show how you are going to spend money to implement your dream. You need to show how you would plan to pay any loans back. How you can provide return on investment (ROI) if investments were made. Network with those that may have influence that can help you get through the door by the fact they know people you don't know. Plan to meet people that can advise you, those that can inspire you. These people can be part of the team you need to carry your dream forward. You heard the saying, "It's who you know." The real saying is "who knows you." Get a team that can help support your cause.
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