So we are in the middle of searching for our dreams, we many time don't know which way to turn. The fact that you are looking is part of the process. What we do is look to those that has traveled the path that we want to take. We look to those that give us hope. Listen to those that are not afraid to be themselves and are trailblazers that drive to go where others would not. But, has the foundation needed to stray from the norms. Learn from those who believe in themselves regardless of what others say.Your dream is yours. It's up to you to have the faith and the drive to push forward to clear the path so others see what you see. It's okay to be different. You will stand out amongst the others. Do more that just dream it. Do something to make your dream happen. Share it. As Martin Luther King did, when he made the speech, " I Have a Dream". He shared it with all.
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