In your pursuit of your dream, rhe journey may have some uncertainty. By preparing yourself before you set out, you should have a plan, a map to help give you direction. If all possible you try not to waste time. You start that first step and as you take that step, you are evaluating and adjusting as you go. You encounter obstacles and you either stop to resolve or you go around. Your keep your focus on the prise. You keep moving forward. You keep learning, sometimes you make mistakes and correct the mistake and adjust. Don't lean on excuses. Keep believing that your dream is the betterment of yourself and the best for all. That your dream is to improve, who you are and your situation. These things can give you something that sometimes money and success may only temporarily give you. Hope is the underlining reward for what you are pursuing. Once you reach your dream, the next challenge is how do you keep it. Our wants and needs are always looking to be satisfied. After all is said and done, all we really want is to be safe and have peace of mind. We must have balance in our life, then we have truly reach our dream.
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