As you lie in the bed staring at the ceiling or sitting at your desk looking out into the window imagining what it would be like to transform your life to something more or somewhere else, you come to the realization that nothing can change or nothing could be done unless you make an effort to do something. Believe it or not you have started the first step. You are now becoming aware. You can't first make a change unless you realize that something different must happen in your life. This is when you roll over in the bed and find a pen or pencil and a pad and start writing down what is it you want to do. What is it you want to change? Something as simple as writing it down forces you to see and visualize the change that you want to make. While at your desk look at what it is you are wanting to do, what it is you want to be. For so long you have been dreaming that I want to do this or that. Well now it's time to take it to the next level. For so long you have been taking the journey in your mind all alone all by yourself. No dream can be realized without others to help you to find your way. At present you are in a world of technology that allows you to be in places and do things you couldn't do years ago. If you have a computer or a smart phone you have connections you couldn't image years ago. Your have social media, email, messengering that allows you to connect with anyone anywhere around the world. Once you see the power you have, the sooner you can start to reach out to those that may assist you on your journey. Okay, now it's time to get to work writing down the plan that you want to take to start to make it happen. Start by being humble, and let people help you. Even if you know how to do what you're trying for. A powful tool is your mouth. Start asking questions, let people help you by asking them how can I. Let them show you how they got to where they are. People love talking about what they do, how they went from nothing to something. Before you know it they are showing you their secrets. Don't be afraid to ask questions. For example, how did you become a millionaire? What did it take to start your business? Ask them if they would give you a million dollars? But of course they would think something is wrong with you for asking for a million dollars. My point is that if you don't ask you can't get. Always remember that in real life nothing comes for free. So don't expect it. Always try to make your relationships that you develop as a win-win relationship, where in most cases make the relationship more to the favor of those that you want help from that will assist you in the pursuit of your dream. Let them help you to your dream, then reward them for their help. The relationship is worth more than the monetary reward at the beginning. You want to alway have the opportunity to come back. Be a good listener, it will get you far. Be ready to barter your skills if you don't have the upfront money to get started, they call it "sweat equity." In your journey you always want opportunity. You want to always be able to come back again and again. Each time you are rewarding them for their help by acknowledging their efforts and the appreciation for the opportunity. Never take anything or anyone for grant. That janitor sweeping the floor may have the keys to get you in. While others are trying to grease the palms of the head supervisor. Opportunity can be found in the least likely place or person. So be aware. Don't dismiss the short cut, the easy way around because you don't think you deserve it. Go back and learn what need to be learned and gain the knowledge as you go. As they say fake it until you can make it. Again life is hard enough and it iscunfair at times, so don't let pride get in the way of your dream.
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