Even when you have followed all the methods, the processes, the rules that exist in the pursuit of your dreams you need some way to assure that you are on the right path. There may times there is no process, no methods or rules. So you have to create your direction. You will find yourself making mistakes. Yes, mistakes is part of the process. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. When you go down the wrong road, make a decision that did not give you the result you seek. Stop and evaluate. Evaluate what happen or didn't happen. Write down what happen to decide if you need to move in another direction. Make a correction in your plans. Call your mentor, talk it over to see another prospective. I did say, stop but don't give up. Continue to correct your plan. Keep moving forward to progress. Even the mistakes you make is a means to move forward. Ask for help, it is just a mater of asking. Don't let pride be a hindrance to seeing your dream through. Always evaluate your progress. Successful people don't wait around for pats on the back. You do what you do because it is the reason you started this journey. The at a boys or at a girls will come. Your dream is yours, but your dream can effect others, help others, or even guide others. Keep focus on your reason.
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