We all have dreams. You've heard the saying, "if you keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, it is insanity." This can be a true statement.Doing the same thing over and over, you become good at the thing you keep repeating.Some may say you become an expert. But, we want more from life than just doing the same thing over and over and becoming good at it. In order to take our dreams to another level you must be willing to move forward, you must want to progress from where you are to where you would like to be. After all, as you dream you see yourself in another place, advancing from where you are to the very thing you inspire to be. Always learning, is the means to moving forward, even in your dreams. We educate ourselves formally and informally. Learn by doing, learn from those that have the information you seek. A mentor that has walked the path you need to take. Learn by listening to understand what is being taught. Don't be afraid to ask questions, make mistakes, get up and try again, move and adjust from the mistake. Follow those that have valuable information to give. Another secret to reaching your dream is to learn to be a contrarian, a person that does the opposite of what is expected. Being different in the way you approach situations. If you are an investor and the trend is going down you start going up. Instead of buying Christmas gifts around Christmas, you buy your gifts in the summer time. If you want to stand out, while everyone is wearing black, you are wearing white. While wanna be rich people are buying expensive cars, houses, and material things to display their supposed wealth, the rich man is dressing down and living in a moderate home knowing his worth. The secret is to learn how to change your mind set if that is needed to reach your dreams. But, if those that are in the circles you aspire to be part of are doing a certain thing. Then you do what they do if you feel the need to follow. Keep in mind eventually you will have to find your own path. Your own identity once you obtain the dream you seek.
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