In our pursuit of our dreams we use so many words, so many definitions to describe and define what we want, what we need. We start out with our ideas, our thoughts. Confidence, what Is Confidence? Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities — not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way. Confidence isn't about feeling superior to others. It's a quiet inner knowledge that you're capable. Some of us are introverts, some of us are out going, some of us are alpha males. Those that are introverts, we just want to stay quiet, not making a scene. But, we would like to be the opposite of being an introvert. How do we become more out going? With some practice and being aware of who you are. A type of fear of being noticed we want to eliminate if possible. First we must not be fearful of what others think. Believe it or not we all are good actors and we can portraits anything we want to be. Of course all of us want to be liked. As you go through life you want to be favored, liked by your mom or your dad. You want to be liked by your teachers, your boss, your friends. Have you noticed that some people don't care how people perceive them. They walk their own path not wanting to impress anyone. You first, have to be confident in your own skin. If some one call you fat, or ugly, just tell them that i am good at being fat or ugly and not waste your time trying to convince them other wise You don't have to believe that you are fat or ugly, it's a label that other try to use to control your emotions, to make you sad or self conscious. Don't faal for their okie doke. By agreeing with what they call you they can't argue, doesn't mean you have to believe what they say. Because by telling you that you are fat, or ugly they think they have control over you, and you emotions. Don't give them the satisfaction of believing they have control over you. A mindset that as you go through life, you do things that show confidence. For example, when you meet someone for the first time, meet them by leaning forward and reach out and shake their hand first. Then with the other hand, reassure them that you know that you are the one that is in charge of the meeting. Giving them a strong firm hand shake, a pat on the back. Get them to see that your are in charge. Look them in the eye to let them know that you are their equal. Even if you are unsure of the situation, play a game with yourself and pretend you know what's going on. With your jesters, your body language, your actions speaks volumes. Be aware of your actions. You don't even have to say a word. Stand up straight, stick your chest out, take a couple of deep breaths. Say to yourself that you are just as good or better than what others think of you. You are showing your confidence with your actions without saying a word. They don't know you. Practice being aware of these things. I did say be aware, pretend you are worth, but at the same time don't get caught up in worrying about what they say about you. Only thing their trying to do is try to control you by trying to manipulating your emotions. Don't let them do it.
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