So how do you approach problems in your life? There are processes that you can taken to give you a result that can help you resolve many decisions you must make in your life. First we try to define what the problem is that we must tackle. Try to isolated what it is that is holding us up, holding us back. What are the the aspects of the situation that is causing us grief, the thing that seem to hinder us from progressing? Is it we need more information? Is it we need more resources? Is it we need more time? Some times the problem is not that simple, it is not that obvious. Once we think we have identified the problem we find out that was not it at all. We must be sure, remove any doubt that the problem at hand is in fact the problem that keep us from moving forward. Now we can start finding solutions that may give us the answer we seek. Will the answer be obtainable? is it feasible to do or complete? Can we create some logical process to see if it can work? Can we test the solutions to see if in fact it will work? Taking this and applying it to your journey to reach your dreams is what we use to provide hope to those that are without hope. By using our mind to figure out a logical solution to why we can't get to the otherside, that we seem to always fall short of our goals, we may need help from others to assist us in this journey. Don't let your pride get in the way. It's okay to ask for helping hand to show us the way. Let others help you to see a path to your dreams. If so, evaluate the results and be confident in the answer you have derived. Is it repeatable, that I can do it again if I need to. Even, though this is just one method of confronting a problem that is keeping you from your dream, it is a life tool that can help you to cope with life's problems that arises when you have to deal with the reality that life is not going to be easily laid out before you You have to learn to adapt to the situation, to roll with the punches and sometimes create your own set of rules to make it all work. You will have to learn and develop your problem solving skills to solve problems that you will experience in your life. I guarantee you will need to sharpen these skills or it will be hard to survive what is before you as you travel down the road of life. Excuses are unacceptable in most cases.
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