As you take the dream that you are so passionate about from your mind to revealing it on paper. You begin to see the possibilities that may exist when trying to lay it out for you and the world to see. You try to organize it to see if there is feasibility within what was a mere image playing over and over in your mind. Now, you have committed to what is before you. And all of this was concluded mostly on your own. In order for you to continue, you have to assemble a team, that will be there to support your efforts. The support you need is not to belittle your efforts, it is to enhance your cause. Don't let your pride get in the way of the goals you set for yourself. If someone takes the time to offer a hand, take it because it is an indication that they believe in what you are trying to do. If you want to label it as charity, then take that charity to make it work for your cause. Because now your dream is their dream and they would want you to succeed, for now your success is their success and you can show your appreciation by allowing them to be part of your journey. This is how dreams work. Everyone has a part to play in making it work. You can't do it alone. Your dream can only survive if it is shared with others.
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