There are many ways to pursue your dream.You can approach as a job, where you have task that you perform with breaks.You can pursue it with a mentality of working it as part of you passion. With no set end points to stop at or begin. Regardless if you have a dream that is worth pursuing you are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes. Earlier we were looking at relearning basic skills such as reading. Taking these skills to help you to always see that there is another path to take that can make the journey a little easier. Whe I was in school I was taught to read a certain way that was not exactly beneficial to me. So I had to explore other alternatives. Time to time you have to take what we call initiative. Step out from doing the same thing in hopes that a change will happen. A lot of people look for others to motivate them. A special event to get them to make a change. I believe that we all can be motivate to do something better if you see results in what you do. You see some progress. So with this speed reading thing, we are making improvements in what may help us to get to our dreams. Sometimes skills, techniques, tricks to the trade can even the playing field.I you had a special technique that would enhance what you do. This could level the playing field.In business if you had a special knowledge that was taught to you, that can make you a better businessman. Then life would be a little more easy to deal with. Take this with organizational managerial skills can help you to see your path a little better. Learn those secret skills that some wants to sell to you in a course for $ 399.99. The same course that is out there for free, if you make the time to find it. Like I said earlier, rich people teach these skills, tricks and techniques to their children so they have the knowledge to be ahead of the average person like ourselves. Now, the secret sauce is to put it all together to fit the dream you are pursuing. Associate your self with like minded people that want to succeed. If you choose to be around negative people then you start to think and act negative. Stop blaming others for your choices and start taking responsibility for your own.
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