Ok, you've started your journey in the pursuit of your dream. You're following your game plan. Obstacle come up. For example, not enough money, not enough time. People telling you that you can't do it. You are not good enough. Your song is not what we are looking for. You are rejected.On and on an on. What do you do next? Well, tell you yourself, "I am good enough", just because the people that has the say is telling you that this is not your time. Tell yourself that "I can". Create your own path, your own way. Fund your own project. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does. When those that suppose to know tell you that trust me you may need to look for another career, keep your head up and keep pushing forward. Listen to the voice inside of you instead of the doubters. You can reinvent yourself, you don't stop, you don't quit. You prove them wrong. Don't be scared of being different. You become the trailblazer. Those that try to keep you down, may have a hidden agenda. Don't live your life by what others think. Sometimes you don't need the affirmation of others to define you. Keep focus on the dream that you believe in and let the others catch up. I can count the times I've been rejected, the times I heard the word no.I still continued and reworked my approach, knocked on other doors. I created my own platform, got my own fan base. There is more than one way to get to your dream. Just keep believing that you can. Have the same confidence in yourself as those that wants to keep and put you down. The haters will always be there throwing shade. So what do you do? Do you just fold up and give up or you ignore them and keep going? I believe in you if you don't!
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