Since we as humans are not perfect, we will at time fail in what we do. Failure is part of the learning process. We we make mistakes, we when we fail on our first attempt hopefully we can learn from that mistake. If you start on your journey and you make a wrong turn, you stop and correct your direction. If you fall down you get up and dust yourself off and continue on. This is the other part of the process, and that is don't quit. You've started the journey and you come up to a wall. You look at the wall and adjust to get around it. There is always more than one option to figure out how to get around it. Don't get frustrated because you didn't get it on the first attempt. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be afraid to make that mistake. No one said that the journey is going to be easy. You don't have to figure it out by yourself. If you fall don't let pride keep you from letting someone help you get up. Don't give in to that voice or those that say you can't do it. Let positivity rule the day over negativity.
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