Are you a talker or a doer? Do you spend time discussing what you want to do, which is okay to a point or are you a doer that make plans and take action? We hear many say let's sit down and have conversation. Some people will spend time gathering up the facts and still have more discussion. Which is fine to have a plan of attack. When the facts are gathered, the plan of attack is planned, it's time to take action.For example, you see businesses in discussions, Congress in meetings to talk over what to do, what policy to implement, what actions to take, while what is being discussed is still not being resolved. The problem is being pushed down the road, with no solution that is tried. My point is in anything, time is ticking and what must be done is not done. It is still being discussed, it is still in committee and still being communicated amongst the few that were tasked to make some kind of decision. As with your dream, any dream it is time to to put your dream in action. They say talk is cheap, but in some cases it can cost you money. Time can be against you or on your side. Others may depend on you and don't have the luxury of more discussion. You may not have the luxury of more discussion. So, take the next step and do something about what you dream and talked to others about before you can't. Be a doer and make your dream reality. Stop talking about it and start being about it. Talking about your dreams are one of many steps that you take to reach that goal you set for yourself, but there is a moment in this process that requires you to get off the couch, get out of committee and make what you discussed happen. Let's see if what you've discussed works. Move the talk forward. Be a doer for once in your life and don't fall for the excuses that you and others want to use as obstacles in your journey to your dream. Take that responsibility and say the final thing being discussed with others and that is , " that I tried."
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