What makes you stronger is that you are different. When you are comfortable in who you are and what you believe in, anything that disrupts your spirt should be the very thing that fuels your determination. You walk, your walk with your head up, there is no none that can criticize your resolve. There are those that will speak ill of you, try to embarrass you, even want to put you down for what you are doing. Lift your head up, stick your chest out, don't look down, because their ignorance gives them the voice to speak out against you. Your confidence will always be tested by those that don't understand the roadmap that guides you. Stay focus on the prize, cause your dream is what pushes you forward. You have to learn to wear the armor of your conviction to withstand the arrows that the naysayers shoot at you to keep you down. Remember it's okay to be different, to walk in a differen light. That is your strength, be proud that other would expend their energy to try to deter your efforts. Just remember that, as many who are against you, there are just as many that are for you. Your support comes from within and we are there to help usher you to the finish line. Be deaf of the cynicism and follow that voice that was there when you first begun your journey, for you are the trailblazer. You are what gives others strength by being who you are. Not listening to the noise that wants to muffle your inner spirit. Your dream is what fuels it all, so keep believing in it.
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