Those that are oppressed, not believing that there is a better day. Finding hope is not in their future, believe dreams are nothing but a dream. We have to give those reassurance, that if you do nothing, but believe in yourself, that others will see the strength you have and gravitate toward your undying willingness to keep pushing forward after enduring all that life has put before you. Whatever it is that gives you that strength may never be understood, but not having what has been denied or without may be the only thing you have to push you to not to give up. Giving up is not an option, because, that want in you seems to be the only thing that fuels that need. So you keep pushing forward, even when you're not sure of the outcome. That fire in you cause you to get up in the morning, to to do and take one more step when it seems there is no more to give. It's not in you to stop, because you still dream of that day that it can get better. As long as you have dreams, you have hope.
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