Does our pursuit of our dreams define us? When we dream we try to understand what does it mean. We try to relate it with past experiences we have encounter. Meaning does it make any sense to us? So many questions. You see things that may happen, things that did happen in your life. The mind is powerful and we have yet to use all of its capabilities. With that being said, what we do to make our dreams reality is a part of our make up. If we plan to make our dream reality, we must understand how to organize our thoughts, advance these thoughts in a process that makes sense and can be put into action. We must learn about our self, by understanding our relationships that make us who we are. Are we where we want to be? Is there away to improve who we are through pursuing this dream? Can we follow thru implementing the steps toward the dream? Can we repeat the process that progress the dream? If you are not dedicated to anything, how can you be dedicated to pursuing your dream? Motivation, do you have the self motivation or do you need to be motivated? There are so many questions need to be answered when making the final decision. So are you ready? As they say when you don't make a decision, you have made a decision. So get off the coach, get out of the bed and take the steps to find out about yourself. Learn about your strengths and short falls and work on improving on them. Dreams said something about ourselves.
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