Have you made a decision, lately? Some of us find it hard to make just a simple decision. Like anything else this is a process. Understand the process may help you to make your decision. Even when you chose to not make a decision, guess what, you just made a decision to not make a design. I bring this topic up because we spend a lot of time trying to decide what to do everyday. You have a dream and you have to choose to pursue it or not. Do you decide to keep thinking about it or do you decide to take the next step? Well let's look at the process.The topic we discussed the other day. If we have a process in place, maybe we can have an easier time making a decision. Let's start with what you know about the thing you have to make a decision on versus what you don't know. Get as much information you can so you can weigh it to the decision you make effects you positivity or negatively. Time is the added component that can sway you in either direction. So if you don't have enough time then you have to go with only the information you have before you. So when you are deciding on the pursuit of your dream look at you immediate options, the limitations. Go with what works in your best interest. For those that are unsure, add options to your decision so you maximize the decision. If you have to decide to wear something according to the unknown weather, take a jacket if your wearing a short sleeve shirt or blouse if the weather turns cold. Wear a jacket with short sleeves give you the option to adjust. Be able to adjust your decision. When we journey to our decision have options to go to that will keep you in the game. Think about what you do today and be aware of the many decisions you make without even thinking about them. Don't be afraid to make a decision, it is something you do everyday. We make them, some good and some are bad.Take advantage of the good ones and learn from the bad ones. It's all a process that we do if you are living. Gain confidence in making those decisions and stand by it. Believe in it. Then people will start trusting in your decisions and you will be a better person for it. Work the process. Go and practice it. You will gain confidence in your decision making and start to make decisions that are well thought out, educated and having courage to step out to continue pursuing your dreams.
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