Control, in our lives is something we try to have when we move our lives forward. Do we have control over our destiny? Do we have control over our dreams or is it that our lives and dreams are preordained? When pursuing our dreams do we have options or do we make our own options? Let's say that we can have some control of our outcomes. When you select a team of people to support your dream and you surround yourself with successful team members, you are in essence creating some control over some possible outcome. If you select a bunch of thunder heads on your team, then, you may get what you pay for an unsuccessful outcome.There are different levels of control. Self control, control over your surroundings, and control over others. First, if you have some self control, you may be able to navigate your path to success to a point. Learn about your strong points and your weakness and how to deal with them can give you an edge on life. Ask yourself what can you tolerate, what will you tolerate in yourself and others? So you have a dream, but are you ready to do what it takes. Will you do what it takes to prepare for it? Understanding yourself can prepare you for the journey. Are you willing to sacrifice for it?For example, if you are a smoker, are you willing to stop smoking? If you like to cuss are you willing to stop cussing to make the deal? Can you go the extra mile even when you're tired. "Know thou self." Now beware not only of ourselves, but others. Others will see weaknesses that you have, to control you. They will try to take advantage of you, just because they may see you as vulnerable. They may use your weaknesses against you.You maybe broke with no money and they may use that to put in front of you to controlling you. Some use mind games to try to control you. So be aware. They may find some word that sets you off. Don't let them know what set you off. This gives them control over your emotions, which means they have control over you. Don't fall for their okie joke. Try to be in control of yourself if you can. Alcohol and drugs may relax you, but understand that you are leaving yourself open for the next person to try to take advantage of you. Be in control of yourself so you can have control of your situation. The journey through life is hard enough. Sometimes control maybe all you have so treat it like you do with money. It maybe one of your most important asset.
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