When you finally start to take action and commit to your dream, consideration for financial, legal, and investment needs to move your dream forward to allow your plans to succeed. Sometimes we get caught up in the creative components of our dreams, that we forget to have the financial, legal, and investment components mapped out. We may put the cart before the horse to try to get to the final product. This is where you look for the support of professionals to look over your plans to give suggestions and advice that give substance to how your dream can be realized. Have you heard when you go to the bathroom, the work is not done until you finish the paperwork. If you have some service as part of what is needed, contracts may need to be drawn up to stipulate involvement in your project, spell out the parties, what was done, how much time was devoted to your plan. A budget may be created if you need financing, investors may need these components to determine if they want to take a risk in your dream, or if there is a risk on investments. This is part of your team that advances your dream. Give your dream a real chance to succeed.
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