A component of going after your dream starts with you. Being aware of yourself, others and situations that you encounter. We are now looking within ourselves. Getting confidence! We want to get you to breaking out of your comfort zone. To do things that you ordinarily would not believe you can do. I asked you to do exercises that forces you out of your comfort zone. We have roles that we play in our everyday life. We are bosses, we are employees, sons and daughters to our parents. By being AWARE of our roles and the rules and limitations that comes with each roles. Let's started with going back to when we were kids in school. We were taught rules and limitations by teachers that were taught rules and limitations when they were students. So you ask who taught the teachers. Now, let's go back and re-learn subjects that we were taught in school, when we were growing up. Reading and math are the subjects that we learned and it effected our confidence. Let's go back and learn techniques and tips in reading and math that will help you to gain confidence in your life.I picked these subjects, because we need these subject to progress, to succeed, to communicate our thoughts, our ideas, and our dreams. We will take reading and math to show what as kids you hated to do, and now you will find yourself wanted to master to gain confidence in your journey to your dreams, to succeed in life. Our life revolves around information, knowledge in our lives. Our nonprofit is not to give information for a fee. You get enough of people wanting money from you everyday. We want you to take this information to improve your opportunity to succeed. That is our pay from you. That you have a want to do better. This is our reward that we get from you. We will discuss and practice the things that are simple to do but at times may not be easy. We talked about sacrifice, to go the extra mile and invest in yourself. We will now, become contrary in our way of thinking and doing things. We will be different! While everyone else are doing the traditional, same things we will be doing things differently. People will notice that you are doing something that they have not seen. What a new concept. So let's get started!
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