One of the programs that I want to discuss is providing confidence in your efforts in your pursuit of your dream. Confidence is also part of life's lessons that is part of what you need to actualize your dream. Everyone is not an alpha male, or aggressive when it comes to things in life. Supporting the Dream, wants to develop exercises that can help you gain confidence. One way to gain confidence is to learn about the thing, the subject that you are unfamiliar with. The more you know about the subject the more confident you start to gain. Let's get the knowledge, by asking questions, research, learn what you need to know so uncertainty begins to decrease. Watch yourself start to feel different about the things you seek. Next let's take a given situation where you the shy person greet someone that don't know you and stick your chest out, walk to the other individual with your hand extended and initiate the conversation and hand shake. Let them think you are in charge of the meeting. They don't know you're nervous unless you tell them or show them. Notice, when Barack Obama would greet someone the first thing he does is take charge of the greeting by extending his hand to shake yours and proceed to speak and say, hello. He then will pat you on the back with the other hand to let you know he is in control of the meet. Practrice that technique. Start observing others that gives you the sense of confidence. Imitate them. Practice this until it becomes natural. Start taking control of each situation. It also means that you have to be prepared, which will help you in finding your confidence. When I was in the military, we would not go out on a mission until we study the situation, learn everything about the terrain, the weather, our opponent. So we can go in confident. Practice playing the role to see how others react to you. We all play roles, so start understanding the roles we have to play from time to time. I am trying to develop another program where those that had issues dealing with reading and math. These are elementary subjects, but it can help to develop confidence. For example, if we can develop an alternative in the way we read and tackle math, you will see a confidence in our everyday interactions. To be successful to go for your dream, we have to take control of our reading and math habits that will enhance your knowledge and confidence. So all of this goes hand and hand. We will discuss it later.
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