Dreams comes in all forms. They are part of a need or part of a want. We are here at Supporting the Dream try to help you by giving some guidance, some support. We want you to learn things that can help you to help yourself. To take control of the journey to the dream that you have. What we have to offer may be free to you, but may cost you to sacrifice a little part of you. We have been discussing relearning skills, techniques and concepts that you may have acquired in the past. To rethink other ways to doing things that can improve your situation. Like taking new techniques in reading to give you an edge, to rethinking your spending habits, by using budgets, financial concepts to invest in yourself versus buying things which doesn't give you the value for your money. Look at what wealthy people do to make money, not spend money to show others they have money. Do you really want your dream, then you have to act like you do. Everything you see on TV or the internet is not all it seems. It is a difference in those that are rich and those that are wealthy. The thing that you have going for you is that you have a brain and you can think. So let's use what you're have to improve the chances of reaching that dream. Be different in your ways of approach things. Right now we are seeing if we need to get the tools in our life to level out the playing field. The rich teach their kids how to be rich, while poor teach their kids how to remain poor. Once you understand that the tools to be successful, to become whatever you want comes from within you, with the understanding that you can't do it all by yourself. So stop fighting the odds. Use your mind to even out the playing field. We may be average, but by using what you have to bring forward is your strengths you will find yourself doing more than being average. All I am trying to say is, we all can work toward our dreams if we have the tools to make it happen. If a rich man give you the plans that he has to become wealthy, then it starts to make sense. If the rich man gives you all his contacts, his tools to make your journey easier then becoming wealthy would be a breeze. Of course it is a little more than that, but I hope you can see where I am coming from. We have to start organizing our life so we can see our dream a little better, to make a little sense of this crazy world. People ask me how much does it cost to participate in the program. The cost is the willingness to want to progress, to sacrifice. To help others to find their way. Once you get to your dream, the next step is trying to hold on to it. A lot of people reach their dream, but don't know how to hold on to it. Pro sports player dreamed as a kid to reach the status of becoming pro, then waste it away because they did not learn how to keep it Once they got it. Few learned before it was too late. So let's continue our journey, learn some of the things we need to have our dream. We will keep learning to improve, associate ourselves with those that can help us improve, this our team. And learn how to keep our dream going once we have it. By giving back to our communities, helping those that need a little help, share our experiences by mentoring and inspire those that are without hope. This is what my mission is with Supporting the Dream. We will keep this journey going by learning new ways to do math.some call it tricks or tips but these tricks or tips are just to show you that you can do it, if you have the tools.
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