We live our life by how we were raised as kids. Your parents share their dreams, their philosophy, and their wants for you because that is how they were raised. Sometimes the parents can only give you what was given to them. Sometimes their dreams become your dreams without your input. So you want to be successful in your approach to life. But if you only receive the tools, the knowledge of those that has never been anything but what got them to where they are. This is okay if you believe that this is how it is going to be. Some get mad if someone tells them to go against how they were taught. They push back and push out any hint of some other way of doing things, but they continue to fall into the trap of what society has labeled them. It's easy to be a follower, and just dream of a change that is in their sights. You limit your dreams to what is comfortable and wonder why you can't succeed. If you want to be successful, would you take advice from someone that isn't. Would you take advice concerning money from someone that has a hard time saving money. Look at those that are giving you advice and see if it contradicts the thinking that you have about life. Always question, but don't over analyze, Seek to understand, but don't be persuade and fooled by the shine objects. You must form your opinion from the information you gather to make what is right for you. Strike a balance in your life as you walk down the path in search of the truth. If you in your life was told that buying a home is the right thing to do, and you want to be wealthy. You find out that all the wealthy people you know or read about rent their homes and buy their investment homes. You would say that we didn't get all of the information. Not to say it is the wrong or right information. I just say, be open to more than what was taught to you at the beginning. In school, teachers didn't teach you other methods to do math an easier way, or taught you speed reading so you can read more with comprehension. They taught you the method of math and reading the way they were taught. So you go through life, thinking the way these subjects were presented to you was the only way, so you struggle. Yes, in most cases there are other ways to do anything, you have to be willing to seek them out. Keep learning to broaden yourself and your dream. Learn what the successful do if you want to successful. Be open to change. Don't be frustrated when you can't get over the hump, when someone that has traveled the same road gives you a map to get over the home and you choose to keep doing what you are doing because that how it has always been. Your dreams are limited because you choose to see the other path to same results you seek.
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