So many of us have dreams. My nonprofit ( Supporting the Dream) is a dream of mine. It's a work in process. An idea that I put forward that's foundation revolves around the concept that if you give a man or woman a fish you can feed him or her for a day. You teach him or her to fish you feed him for a lifetime. So this foundation gives those that believe in their dream, the tools to pursue their dream and truly believe their dream can be possible. We all need hope, it doesn't matter your age, color, nationality, or religion. The rich need the poor, the poor need the rich to make it happen. So we try to support you in your journey to find the path to your dream. Most of us can't get there by ourselves. We are here to support, to mentor, and inspire. To show you there is a logical process that we all take in our pursuit of our dream. I strive to be different, which is at times not a bad thing. So at this point of our life's lessons we have been talking about awareness of ourself, other and the obstacles that hold us back. Such as procrastination, lack of motivation, lack of finances, etc. The willingness to give up cause it seems too hard. Life is hard, but we still have to keep moving forward. Lean forward and be proactive. It's easy to give up. We must want to sacrifice to reach that dream. To do without things that we are accustomed to having. Right now I am trying g to provide a way to hope by relearning skills that were taught in school to help us to survive and make it in our fast pace world. So let's get back to basics and learn techniques like speeding reading and math tips that will give you confidence that we need and to allow us to use what we already have. All of this doesn't cost a penny. All it cost is a little of your time and a willingness to want to improve your situation. So let's get these skills or improve our skills so we can be successful in the pursuit of our dreams.
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