We started this journey trying to define our dreams from just a thought. I ask you to write these ideas down. Look at these ideas to organize them. Create a plan, get a team to help and support what you are trying to do. We must get others that have been where you are going to mentor you when you needs someone to guide and talk to you. Someone to give you advise to help you to develop and redefine your dream. Learn to be contrary, by trying to do things different from others. Create your niche, to keep your team engaged. Keep empowering them by making the feel invested in your dream. This will encourage them to make your dream successful. Where are we on this list of processes that make this dream happen? Well, we have a team in place, we need mentors that will guide and direct us. These mentors have been where we are trying to go. They are there to give us the benefits of their experiences. To keep us focused, to stop us if we seem to be veering off the track. Supporting the Dream Foundation wants you to have the same benefits to enhance the total experience of your dream. A one on one relationship that is just as valuable as any team member you can encounter. Be the leader-follower that people wants to work with, with the specific goal of getting you to your dream. And you thought you can do it all by yourself. Your dream is a team sport.Do you think Smokey Robinson accomplish all he has, all by himself. He had co -writers to help write his songs, producers to help produce is records. On traveling tours he needs a team to people like his road manager, his stage manager, band director to get his show off the ground. His band to help with the music. You get what I am saying. So what makes you so special, that you can do it all by yourself? We need help, we need support in our everyday life, so ask for it. All that could happen is that they say, yes I will help you! What a concept! So what is next? Now we will talk about reinforcing what we are doing by finding others to inspire us.

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