As we make steps toward our dreams you come to something or someone that will slow you down. Something or someone that gets in your way. Reaching for your dream is not always easy. You have to ask yourself do you really want it. Your enthusiasm was there at the beginning, and then you saw how hard it was. Are you serious or you just someone that gives up at the first hint of controversy, the first hint that you have to put out a little more. Reaching your dream may take sacrifice. Yes, sacrifice is what separates those that just say they wanted it from those that do what it takes to go that extra mile. I hope you are one of those that not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. When others see your dedication to your dream, they want to be part of it. So we need that ingredient in ourselves to distinguish and separate ourselves from those who want to make a change from those that creates the change.Your dream requires all of you. Get in the right mind to accept it all. Be prepared.
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