Imagination, is a form of dreams. When looking for work after getting out of college studying to get a 4 year degree. You begin your search for a job, you put in resumes, emails, text messages and still no takers. You can't understand why you haven't gotten a major company calling you to start immediately. You studied to be a writer, an actor, a musician, an engineer. College never guaranteed you a job, but you imagined a career that would bring you the success you sought. Then reality kicked in. You find yourself unemployed, no job, but you have a degree. So what do you do? You start to use your imagination and create your own opportunity. You start your own company, be your own boss. An entrepreneur is what takes you education, your talent and put it to work. Invest in yourself and step out of being someone else's employee. Believe in your abilities, your motivation to succeed to create your own path. Don't waste you talent trying to conform to someone else's dream. Give yourself a chance to use all of your potential. You can still pursue you career, but you can also start your own company. Imagination is funny like that. I can see you being more than some ones employee.
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